Congrats! We have made it almost half way through the school year! I do not know what caused you to click on this blog post, but I am glad you did! I am not sure what stage of the teacher journey you are in right now, but whether it is the worn down stage, pull your hair out stage, the refreshed stage, or the occasional pick me up stage, I hope you find this blog post and freebie useful.
I have to admit this school year has had many challenges. I have always loved teaching, researching, and creating new materials. However, in August of this year my husband and I welcomed Nathan, our sweet baby boy, into the world.
Oh BOY! A baby REALLY DOES change everything. I will never forget going into the classroom after being on maternity leave, terribly missing my son and feeling two steps behind. My love for teaching and family time had to find a balance. It is still a work in progress but I am beginning to grasp the work and family life concept.
I have discovered that reflecting upon things I am thankful for helps me both at home and school. So on my drive from daycare to school, I think of one thing to be thankful for. I write it on a sign in my classroom. Some days my thankful thoughts are pretty serious like, “Today I am thankful that you are here ready to learn!” Other days the sign highlights a classroom goal we met. I even like to get a little silly sometimes and say, “Today I am thankful for pizza!” My students also enjoy participating so sometimes their thoughts make it onto the sign. This definitely makes my teacher heart smile!
*Just print, laminate, and write on the sign with a dry erase marker.
*These are just some of ideas of what you could write.
* There are eight different designs to choose from!
I hope you find this FREEBIE useful.
>> Click here to access the free posters! <<
I would love to see and hear how you will use these signs in your classroom. If you would like to comment or email me with your thoughts, questions, or just to chat I would love to hear from you.

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